Think of wrought iron; then make it lighter, less expensive and maintenance free. Unlike iron, aluminum does not rust. Not only is aluminum maintenance free, but it comes in many colors. Residential aluminum fences are available dozens of styles and in heights of 3′, 4′, 4 1/2′, 5′ and 6′.
- A simple 4’ high Ornamental Aluminum pool enclosure. The fence is a nice compliment to the stone wall sculpture in the area.
- Aluminum is a great choice for swimming pools. This is a 52” high Jerith “Bravo” that we installed in 2007 at the August Lodge near Cooperstown.
- This is a 48” Jerith “200” we installed in 2009 in Fly Creek. As you can see, aluminum fences can work very well on slopes.
- We installed the 6′ high fence in the City of Oneonta to keep the deer out.